Useful information for living in japan

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Measurments for property

平方メートル(Heihou metoru=Heibe):square meter
坪(Tsubo):1 tsubo=about 3.3m2 or 2 jo
畳(Jo):1 jyou=about 1.65m2, 0.5 tsubo

Typical standard bed room is designed for 6.0jo. Long time ago, this was 4.5jo so you may see this small sized room in a old building. Normally it does not include the storage space (押入れ/Oshiire).
When we describe the size of land, normally Tsubo is used. On the other hand, Heihou metor=Heibe can be often used for the total size of floor space.

建ぺい率(Kenpei ritsu): the percentage of the land size for the size of 1st floor of buildings and structures

容積率(Yoseki ritsu): the percentage of the total floor size for the size of land

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