Living in Japan

Useful information for living in japan

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Preparing to move out

1.Moving out notice
In the most of the case, tenants are expected to give one month's notice before moving out. You should check the contract for details. Also you should check if the final rent can be devided at day basis. If no, you would better determine your moving out date at the end of month.

2.Moving out inspection
When you inform your moving out date of the agent or the landlord, you also have to set the inspection date so that the agent can check the condition. Before inspection, you have to remove all your stuff and pack up everything.

3.Utilities closing
You have to arrange the utilities to be cut off. You can just call each comapany (Electricity, Gas, telephone, internet, and water).

4.Key returning
If you lost the key, you will be charged for the restoration fee.

You basically have to restore your room to the original condition. Normall wear and tear should not be considered the damage by your fault. But some heinous agent may charge you for restoration fee of changing the wall paper or floor even though there is no outstanding scratch or mark.

6. Returning deposit
Mostly you are supposed to fill out your bank account on the form 'Moving out notice'. When you move out, deposit should be wired into your bank account after 1 or 2 month later.

7. Mail forwarding
After moving, it's important to go to a post office in your area and fill out a change of address form, to have your mail forwarded to your new address.(Japan only)
The post office will continue to forward your mail for one year after you submit this form.

入居審査/Nyukyo sinsa (Tenant examine)

Once your real estate agent has recieved your application, they will give it to the landlord of the apartment you have chosen, and a tenantwill be examined by the landlord. The landlord will decide seeing the information on the application if you would be a suitable tenant. They will consider, for example, your workplace, income, credit history, etc. After you pass this check, the last step is to sign the contract.

更新料/Koushinryo (Renewal fee)

Te most of the landload require the tenant to pay the renewal fee when the contract expired.
Mostely it is a equivalent to 1 month or 2 month rent.
Other prefecture

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Type of layout

When you see the layout on the property advertisement, several similar name of layout may makes you confused.

1room : This type of apartment has an only 1 boxed room including small kitchen space.The door for a unit type bath/toilet is normally in the room, not in the corridor. The average size is about 12m2~20m2.

1K : The bedroom and kitchen are seperated. The average size is about 15m2~25m2

1DK : A 1DK has a bedroom, and a kitchen/dining room combination. The overall size is slightly larger than a 1ROOM or 1K.

1LDK : A 1LDK has a bedroom and living room/dining room combination with a separated kitchen space. The size of this type is about 25m2~60m2.

2DK : A 2DK has 2 bedrooms and a kitchen/dining room combination. The typical size of this type is about 35m2~60m2.

2LDK : A 2LDK has 2 bedrooms and living room/dining room combination with a separated kitchen space. The size of this type is about 50m2~80m2.

3LDK : A 3LDK has 3 bedrooms and living room/dining room combination with a separated kitchen space. The size of this type is about 70m2~100m2. One of the rooms is typically included Japanese room=和室(Washitsu) with Tatami.

As you can guess;
L means Living room
D means Dining room
K means Kitchen

Other marks on layout;
S : Storage space.
P/S : You may this mark near the hall, this measn Pype space, in which you can not normally place anything.
WIC : walk in closet
UB : It stands for unit bath. Toilet and bath tab space is in the same unit space. Normally there is no shower curtain.
CL : closet
冷 : fridge space (normally not equipped)
洗 : washing machine space (normally not equipped)
洋室(Yoshitsu) : western style room (carpet or wooden floor)
If there is parallel lines on the floor, this means wooden floor.
和室(Washitsu) : Japanese style room with tatami or fusuma door(sliding door with paper)
押入(Oshiire) : Japanese style closet where they put Futon

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Property Type

There are several types of apartment building in Japan.

Apartment you probably imagine is called Mansion. If it is for rent, it is called Chintai Mansion. Chintai means 'for rent'. If it is for sale, it is called Bunjo Mansion.
Mostly this type of building tends to have three or more stories, and be made of a
steel framework and reinforced concrete. Rent is typically higher than the

Apato (アパート) is lower grade building than Mansion. This type of building is made of wood, or light steel. It is usually only two stories or less.

A single house for rent is called Kashiya (貸家). There are major 2 types of measure for buying a new single house. One is Tateuri (建売). Tateuri is sold by a development company or real estate company who buy land and build a house. The buyer can not require them to change the layout but minor change such as changing the color or material for wall or floor.
Another meaure would be Chumon Jutaku (注文住宅). The land owner place an order with a house maker. Offcourse the orderer can decide the layout or other details consulliting with a designer. A house maker offer you the price at the price per Tsubo (3.3sqm). The standard price for Chumon Jutaku is 300,000~600,000 JPY per 1 tsubo. If you want to build a house with 50 tsubo, and price for tsubo is 500,000JPY, the building cost would be 25,000,000JPY.
Normally this price does not include the exterior work such as porch or garden.

If you are not particular with a new property, you can buy a second hand apartment or single house. A second hand apartment is called Chuko Mansion. A second hand single house is called Chuko Kodate.

-A brand new mansion for sale is equipped with a latest function for security system of kitchen equipments. Some has a fufilling facilities such as private park, day care, gym or reception service.
-When you buy a second hand property, you have to be careful about the property right ant the condition offered by the seller. Also you should check how much it would cost for the management fee, ShuzenTsumitateKin (reserve fund for the repairment) and parking lot.
-If you are trying to buy a Tateuri, you should confirm with real estate company how flexible you can require your request of them.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Measurments for property

平方メートル(Heihou metoru=Heibe):square meter
坪(Tsubo):1 tsubo=about 3.3m2 or 2 jo
畳(Jo):1 jyou=about 1.65m2, 0.5 tsubo

Typical standard bed room is designed for 6.0jo. Long time ago, this was 4.5jo so you may see this small sized room in a old building. Normally it does not include the storage space (押入れ/Oshiire).
When we describe the size of land, normally Tsubo is used. On the other hand, Heihou metor=Heibe can be often used for the total size of floor space.

建ぺい率(Kenpei ritsu): the percentage of the land size for the size of 1st floor of buildings and structures

容積率(Yoseki ritsu): the percentage of the total floor size for the size of land


It is the traditional type of flooring used in Japan, and is a mat made of woven straw called Igusa. Igusa have a special kind of scent that you may make you relaxing.

In Japan, the size of a room is typically measured by the number of tatami mats (-畳 -jō). The traditional dimensions of the mats were fixed at 90 cm by 180 cm (1.62 square meters) by 5 cm. Half mats, 90 cm by 90 cm (35.5 in by 35.5 in) are also made. Mats from Kyoto (Kyo-tatami) and other parts of western Japan are slightly larger than those from Tokyo and eastern Japan at 95.5 cm by 191 cm (1.82m²; 37.6 in by 75.2 in).